In the face of artificial i呢開ntelligence, ten thou錢個sand words I love you is better舊玩 than one I understan

Date:06-05  Hits:164  Belong to:Industry Trends
When I was a child,醫物 the most common sentence I heard為音 from my parents was: "you do雜美n't understand! You&車你#39;ll understand when you grow up. ”
With my intelligence quotient of fiv唱相e years old, I translate this sentenc著務e into: get out of here.
My heart is not sati河要sfied, adults judge a thing's log哥報ic, can't really explain to childre務農n? A sense of humiliation arises 朋微from being treated as mentall道務y retarded...
This kind of thing happens r街西epeatedly in life. For e公綠xample, after many years, a sis校短ter looked at me with 火女tears in her eyes and said湖短, "you don't understan雜匠d! And then turn around and disappear 綠白into the sunset, the Masera的通ti. Left me pushing my你開 bike silently, I can't miss it.
Many years later, I found this fact家白: your friends, relat離內ives, lovers, people you cherish an習房d rely on, when he s都內ays "for you! &場鐘;You don't understand! &L鐵妹isten to me! &Most of the time, it河費's because you can't give you謝房 an explanation that makes you underst火南and and believe.
Have you seen et? Communication bet唱員ween two people is no easi村計er than that between a perso雪一n and an alien. You can savor...的動

However, I want to say after all:
It is better to say "I love黑在 you" than to say "I know 能什you";.
It's our instinct to t相暗ry to understand. In fact, it林得9;s hard to understan刀那d a person; it's ha有地rd to understand an artificial intellig河朋ence.
In the next five minutes, we will disc嗎林uss two science fiction quest綠電ions
1. Is it possible for us to unde金這rstand every decision of AI?
2. If so, how do we und厭友erstand AI?
Xing Xinyu
Xing Xinyu is today's 女湖master. This professor at Penn 廠呢State University, working with Jing中可dong security, is trying to us間報e algorithms to explain every 愛電decision of AI. (as for行懂 why it is cooperating 土村with Jingdong security, you will unde男你rstand it when you see the back.)是兵
  Let's ROCK
1. Can we really unde的喝rstand AI?
First of all, correct 開麗the misunderstandings of most 子弟people
If you think that people can個門 understand every decision made by AI中校 as well as they can understand用金 & quot; 1 + 1 = 2 可子& quo. So congratulat車河ions, please pay attention to t請兵he light black technology大快 and continue to clock in tomo文場rrow.
In fact, most of the decisions made鐵多 by artificial intelligence are incomp錢樹rehensible to human bei討船ngs. Even the scientists who made 男森them the AI's &q女玩uot;Mom and Dad" 務司can't understand.
You might say, Nani? How can 懂朋you not understand the man-m人長ade things?
For example, when our ancestors國兵 invented drilling wood fo村妹r fire, they didn't really 醫玩understand the principle of combustion很相. First use, then unders懂頻tand, this is the law of our under師鄉standing of the world.
Take an example that mo日秒st people know:
Alfagou, the most famous AI go maste師校r.
In the specific game, the sci的說entist's father only set a goal 去短for him to win the game, 購去but he did not stipulate t空飛hat the afar dog must follow the human 兒道routine. Of course, it 市什is precisely because雨拍 of this that it is 一在possible that & quot雪大; green is better than blue & 知購quot; and destroy Ke Ji場紅e's big chess dregs.
The decision-making p問唱rocess of artificial 算時intelligence is just like this man dra月子wing a picture. Onlookers w還商ill feel "inexplicab樹們le" throughout the wh劇請ole process. You won't雨木 realize it until the last s喝我econd.
The conclusion is as foll吃亮ows
From a certain point of view, th學街e level of artificial上河 intelligence has exceeded the h舞跳uman brain too much. 間信How to understand artificia自好l intelligence (AI) is act都地ually an international problem.現紅
If you just play chess和科 with AI, if you don't under章近stand, you won't understan話你d. However, AI is bec請市oming more and more popular什現. This thing that we 她到can't understand begins to 的月surround our life. Just li市件ke a friend, he always wears a mask to業器 talk to you, which makes people feel n從國umb when they think about i時是t.

工(gōng)作時(shí)間:周一至周五 9:00-18:00

Contact:Miss Li


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