High temperature test box

The high and low tempera些吃ture test chamber is usually placed i化跳n the laboratory to ident是音ify the high and low tempe花拿rature performance of the product路學.
The high and low temperature他我 test chamber is usually p麗照laced in the laboratory to identify th少信e high and low temperature perf和慢ormance of the product. With the develo雜煙pment of various industr問學ies, the performance of products has章自 become increasingly讀工 stringent. Thus driving the appl笑海ication scope of high你小 and low temperature test box, from答拍 the initial machiner做地y industry, scientific researc高些h institutions have gra外路dually extended to more areas. No業林wadays, many users put the high an商志d low temperature test 你我box in the office building, so話雨 there is a problem. C件你an the office elevator and of劇生fice door equipment go in?對錯

The general standard is that it is diff歌兒icult to enter office到雜 buildings. In order to m黑女eet the requirements of the customer. T技服he manufacturers of high and 生黃low temperature test box廠服es can be made of composition and 窗做body type. 1. put the controller of the土鄉 test box on the top, and t從術he width of the left and rig知雪ht can be reduced by about 20 centim動器eters. 2. dismantle the test cha話視mber and the refrigeration system,舊拿 and the height can reduce the total he低河ight of the equipment by 1/2.

Therefore, when choosing high 資體and low temperature test box, the跳光 user should consider th間裡e test site placing in addition 答答to the test. If door民看 size, elevator size is not enough北和, whether it can be dismantled doors 技跳and windows, whether ho兒師isting can be used. If it can not, i件是t should be based on the size 說她of the test and door size to choos知玩e a suitable volume tes還新t box to make the lef我紙t and right up or down detachable分男 high and low temperatur我門e test chamber. All these require 計短detailed communication大門 between users and manuf子著acturers.

工(gōng)作時(shí)間:周一至周五 9:00-1見很8:00

Contact:Miss Li



Address:Room 6, 8th Building, XueYuan 離讀Road HaiDian District 報明Beijing China

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